I have to admit, being a Mom isn’t always easy. I love my kids just like every mom does but things aren’t always the way I wanted them to be. We all dream of this perfect little boy or girl that always gets straight A’s, joins all the clubs, is a Cheerleader, a Football player and always happy and smiling. Well, that is the perfect world, we all know the perfect world isn’t reality in most homes.
I’m a mom to a 22 year old a Teenager that is 18 and a Tween. The ages are far apart, each had their own struggles and each has their own hopes. Right now I’m struggling with a teenager and a tween both trying to use their stubborn head in their very own way. Being a parent isn’t always the same for each child. Things that worked when my oldest was younger may not work on my youngest one and things that my oldest did when he was a teen may not work for my Teenager now.
It’s not easy being a parent but I found some help the other day that will be my BFF the next few weeks in helping me be the best parent I can be to both my Teenager and my Tween. I’m talking about Boys Town. I’ve joined the Boys Town Parenting E-Mail Series and get e-mails geared towards the problems that I have with my children. It is amazing. I can pick from 8 different subjects like Tween Discipline, Today’s Teen and Teen Disciplin as well as issues with younger children like help with Potty training and Toddler Tantrums or Bullying.
The e-mail subscription consist of a weekly e-mail for 4-6 weeks (depending on the subject you need help with) along with a teaching activity and a relevant social skill. It is great to be able to seek some outside help besides your family and friends. I love the e-mail series and started last week with one for my Tween and one for my Teen and loved the first e-mail. I’m very excited to learn how I can be a better parent and help my children be better adults in the long run.
Do yourself a favor and subscribe to Boys Town Parenting e-mail Series and see how you can better yourself and help your children along the way. Would love to hear how it has helped you and your family and if things are going a bit smoother now.
Happy Parenting …. Happy Home!
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