Packing Lunchboxes is in my very near future and I’m sure it’s in yours, too. My daughter is a very picky eater and I’m so tired of making the same ol’ same ol’ PB&J sandwich day in and day out. This year I decided things will change and I will make her lunches without a sandwich.
It will be fun, different and so simple for me to put together. There are many ideas how to mix up lunch and I decided to share a few of my ideas with you below.
I picked up small plastic containers at Walmart, they are in the dollar spot and are perfect for snack lunches.
Fruits & Yogurt Lunch box:
Pick up your favorite yogurt, divide it into smaller containers
Fresh fruit, lots of it, washed
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers
Veggies & Cheese Lunch Box:
Fresh veggies like cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, washed
Fill your favorite dressing for dipping into a small container
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers
BB&J Snack Lunch Box:
Add Peanut Butter and Jelly to a small container for dipping
Fresh Fruit like Apples and Bananas
Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers
There you have a few of my lunch box ideas for the first week of school, since we are only going back for 3 days the first week, I’m all set. I will serve the lunch boxes with a bottle of water and add a few to my daughter lunch box so she can wipe her hands before she eats and once she is done. Remember, I’m a clean freak.
Wasn’t this simple? You can prepare all these lunch box ideas the night before or even on Sunday for the entire week and all you have to do is put it in your child’s lunch box that day. Lunch can be simple, fun and delicious but doesn’t have to take hours to make or cost a bundle. Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers are awesome because they are already pre-packaged and they are perfect for dipping or creating your very own mini sandwiches between banana slices and PB&J dipping; the kids will love it. Trust me!
I love the Wet Ones® single wipes, they are perfect to keep your hands clean no matter where you are enjoying your lunch and kids can actually wipe their lunch box down with them or the table at school before they eat. What more do you want?
I totally think that Wet Ones® Singles are a necessity in every kid’s school lunch, cleaning hands and killing 99.9% of germs, so they can enjoy their awesome lunch! Be sure to check out both Wet Ones® and Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish Crackers next time you are at Walmart looking for some lunch box ideas.
Also don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a years supply of Wet Ones® for your home and your child’s classroom, plus $1000 cash!
Would love to share some of your favorite lunchbox ideas, be sure to leave me a comment below. Can’t wait to hear your tips.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® + Pepperidge Farm® . The opinions and text are all mine.