Well, this has been a rainy and windy day in Central Florida, preparing for Hurricane “Isaac” (hope everyone else is okay as well) and for anything else that will be thrown our way. So I decided to take a few minutes and whip up some delicious German “Windbeutel” (they are also called cream puffs) and spoil them a bit on this droopy day.
I haven’t baked in ages, and my kids thought I was sick when I turned the oven on. Since this was a special occasion, why not share it with you, guys, too. It was so super simple, who would have known. Why spend $8 on a box of tiny, frozen cream puffs, if you can make it a lot cheaper and it will be fresh and soooo delicious, in under 30 minutes.
This is what you need:
5 oz water
2 oz butter,unsalted
pinch of salt
3 oz plain flour
2 eggs
3 1/3 oz whipping cream
vanilla extract
This is how to make it:
This recipe is enough for making 3 large round cream puffs or 18 mini cream puffs using this recipe because they are easier to eat.
In a pot bring 5 oz water to a boil, add butter and melt. Season with a pinch of salt. Remove from heat and add the flour all at once. Stir briskly using a wooden spoon. Mixture will come away from sides of pot and form a ball.
First add only one egg to the choux pastry and stir.
Add the second egg and stir until a sleek dough result. Pre-heat the oven to 430 F. Fill the dough in a pastry bag with a star shaped tube, or spoon on the baking sheet
Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Pipe 18 small balls or 3 large cream puffs on the tray 2 inches apart.
To make the cream puffs rise and become fluffy sprinkle a little water on the tray and shut the oven door immediately.
Do not open the door during baking. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.
Put on a wire rack to cool and pierce each cream puff on the side with a knife so that the hot air can exhaust.
Mix the cream with the vanilla and whisk until you have stiff peaks. Fill the cream in a separate pastry bag with a long thin tube, or spoon on the cream puffs
After the cream puffs are cooled completely fill them using the hole you cut earlier with the knife. Cream puffs taste best when fresh from the oven.
Add any kind of fresh fruit if you like; we love ours with strawberries….yummmm…. you can also Freeze mini cream puffs and serve them half-frozen with coffee. Delicious!
Now, wasn’t this a fun, yet different dessert??? I can still smell them and yet, I made 3 sheets, they are ALL GONE.. I don’t think anyone blinked; they where a HUGE Hit, give them a try next time you want something sweet… OR you can also fill them with savory cream cheese mixtures…. just as delicious.
Well, now we are onto our Meal Plan for the week… what’s cooking in your neck of the woods??? Check out what I have planned, maybe you get some ideas.
Monday: Fall Sausage & Veggie Skillet
Tuesday: Simple Chicken Roll Ups & Salad
Wednesday: Carnitas in the crockpot
Thursday: Subs and Salad ( I really want this Brie and Apple one)
Friday: Beef Burgundy and Pasta (Crockpot)
Saturday: Dinner Date with Hubby @ Olive Garden
Sunday: Dinner at Mimi’s House……
Now, that’s what’s cooking in my kitchen… would love to hear what’s in yours…… and as every Monday, we are linked up with I’m an organizing Junkie, so if you are looking for even more recipes and ideas, be sure to visit over there.
Janice Crespo says
OK – you made my mouth water – LOL – will have to pick up some whipping cream – pinned it to remind myself 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Betsy says
Wow – the cream puffs look amazing!!! Great treat for your kids. 🙂 I’m visiting from Org Junkie’s blog hop. Thanks for sharing your menu plan!
Sarah says
Hey! I found you via Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – yum!!! My mom used to make these cream puffs, they are so yummy. I remember one year I asked for them for my birthday dessert instead of cake. I’ll be adding this to my “to make” recipe pile!
Grisel says
Wow, I’m not great at baking but these cream puffs are definitely something I would love to try…yum!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
CrazyMom says
they are super easy to make… I’m not a baker either, but they turned out GREAT!!!!!! Give it t a try and let me know… :0) Just make sure that when you “cook” the dough it is all dry and formed into a ball… a/k/a no liquid left in the pot, only took a few seconds for me after I added the flour….
Lydia says
That looks too good for me. I love the strawberries.
I hope you’ll stop by my link up. It just started a few weeks ago. http://www.five4fivemeals.com/main/2012/8/24/friday-five-link-up-aug-24-2012.html
Samantha says
My kids will be so excited IF they are as easy to make as you said:) We LOVE creampuffs so much my Mom wanted us to name our new puppy creampuff….
Sandy VanHoey says
Great job and this looks SO good. Nothing like making us hungry first thing in the morning…lol
Steph (The Cheapskate Cook) says
Looks delicious! Haven’t seen a recipe for these babies before, but sounds delicious – and probably much tastier than the store bought ones!
Tami Vollenweider says
Love your ideas for your Menu plan! I’m like You and waiting for the arrival of” Isaac” in Louisiana.Right now I’m making Turkey Gravy on Biscuits and I also have my crockpot going with a Pork Roast,to use for the next couple of days!
CrazyMom says
Be safe Tami… will keep ya all in our prayers… hopefully it will be a rainstorm like florida and nothing severe…
Grace Hodgin says
Those look so good and the strawberries with them is even better. Maybe I’ll try this for the holidays for my grand kids.
Pam says
Melanie, you are such a good cook. Your recipes always look amazing. The next time I am in Florida I am coming to your house for dinner. 🙂
Pam recently posted..The King’s Damsel by Kate Emerson
Heidi ( says
Yummy, I love a good cream puff!
Heidi ( recently posted..Nesco 4 liter 4-in-1 Digital Pressure Cooker (picture heavy)
Thomas Murphy says
looks so good! thanks for the recipe
Elena says
Looks delicious! Thank you for the recipe!
Gianna says
That looks so delicious!
marie timpe says
Great simple recipe !
Jeffrey says
This looks amazing. I could eat this for breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening snack, plus it’s something my little picky eaters would love!
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
These cream puffs looks so delicious I will have to pin this recipe.
Denise Taylor-Dennis recently posted..Giveaway – Coupon Coup