As a lot of you know, I had been quit Ill the last few month. Being sick also means very little cleaning occurred at my house during that time. Thankfully my hubby kept the house picked up and clean, but of course, he doesn’t clean like this German gal does.
Since I started to feel better the last few days, I decided it was time to really start my spring cleaning. I picked the (kids) bathroom first, it’s not a HUGE project and I was able to get it done quickly without loosing too much energy. At least, that’s what I thought…..
Little did I know, that once I start to Spring Clean I would run into all these little problems like old lotions, expired medication and way overdue toothbrush exchange. I had my work cut out. I think a trip to Walmart is in order to get my bathroom in tip top shape and ready for Spring.
As a busy mom of 3, I need to get things done quickly, so I decided to run into Walmart during my lunch hour and my challenge was to grab all the items that I needed to clean the bathroom and to restock everything in less then 45 minutes and oh grab something to eat along the way.
I went to the Walmart closest to my office, which was a big mistake, it was close to my work, BUT I had never been in that store. I had no idea where to find my cleaning supplies, toiletries items or even what I wanted for lunch. My time was running out quickly, so I ran as fast as I could through Walmart grabbing everything I thought I would need. Yup, just whatever I wanted… no coupon in sight… just grab and run before the clock strikes and my lunch was over…
So I knew I needed to get my Princess a new toothbrush as well as for the Tween and the teen, so off to the Oral Hygiene Isle I went and on the way there, in the middle of the isle was this shelf with all kind of different Dora and SpongeBob Toothbrushes from Colgate. I had to stop and look, I actually loved the Spin brush for the little ones, but my princess was a little to young, so I grabbed her her favorite little girl, Dora, toothbrush and a few regular brushes for the boys…. Loved that these items where in the middle of the main isle, right in the direction I was going, easy access and easy to find…
Since Spring Cleaning wouldn’t be complete with a new set of racks and some dusters, I ran across the store looking for the Cleaning Supplies.. finally I found them,…. yup… by now I had 10 minutes left to grab what I needed and jump into the car back to the office…. and as you can see… NO LUNCH YET!! I couldn’t waist any time to find new products or to see all the cool things Walmart had to offer that day…I just couldn’t come up with an excuse for my Boss why I was late from lunch *Note to self, work on that*.
Okay, I think we have everything I need to get started with the Spring Cleaning and the most important thing, the Dora toothbrushes are in my cart and I wish everything else would have been that easy to find.. oh well, let’s check out real quick.
I made it back to the office in time…. and after another long afternoon of office work, I was ready to go home and kick start my spring cleaning.. check out.. you think this kids bathroom needs a good cleaning? …. Naaaa.. didn’t think so….
Well… a Mom’s gotta do what a Mom’s gotta do (while the energy is still and I closed my eyes and was hoping for the little tinny, cute, pink, precious (can I open my eyes yet?) fairy to arrive and POOF the bathroom is clean….. WELL… a Mom can dream…
I grabbed all our nifty Walmart products and off to scrubbing we went… Princess in Tow…and we started to scrub and scrub and scrubbed some more…. a good 50 minutes later… the Princess is still scrubbing…
Well.. while she scrubbed, I decided to check out the medicine cabinet, not sure why I decided to check that out… not like anyone would see it… who needs to spring clean the medicine cabinet, right… well… now I opened a whole other can of worms…… *Note to self… STOP Touching things*….
Well.. lots of old stuff, expired medication and lotions that leaked all over the place… gross… what’s a Mom got to do? Well…. CLEAN it!! Scrub, scrub and more scrubbing and after another 10 minutes… I grabbed a drink…. BUT.. I think it was well worth it…. now we are up to date on all our medications, no more expired lotions, shampoos (yes.. they do have expiration dates, if you don’t believe me.. go and check your bottle, I’ll wait till you get back………. soo, was I right? Who will clean their cabinets next… hu? I’m all done…hahahah….) and a clean and sparkling fresh smelling bathroom with new Toothbrushes, toothpaste and Floss for all the kids to enjoy….
Until we meet again …….. Come check out our Bathroom cleaning “AFTER” project on our Google Plus Story…. you think it was worth it? and … check out if I ever gotten that lunch or if I made it back to the office in time before I got in trouble… ALL on our Google Plus Story…… You don’t want to miss it!!
Another thing you don’t want to miss is the Colgate Website, Colgate Twitter updates or Colgate Smile Facebook page ….. Trust me, so worth it to stay up to date with your little ones pearly whites.
“I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric; all opinions and ideas are 100% our own.
Maureen says
How great that your daughter is such a help with the cleaning!!
Maureen recently posted..Information via CareOne Debt Relief Services
CrazyMom says
Thanks Maureen.. she had a blast cleaning and is still cleaning now.. in another room.. I won’t stop her…lol…:0)
Kathlean Owens says
I had to do “Spring Cleaning” twice already. Now it’s time to do Summer cleaning!!!