This is a sponsored post on behalf of Tyson #TysonProjectAPlus
It’s almost back to school time, that also means busy time for me. I need to make sure that all the kids are in bed on time, have their clothes ready for the morning, all lunches packed, book bags ready to go and homework done and checked, wake up calls in the morning, school drop offs and so many more things that we didn’t have to worry about during the summer.
I’m excited to send the kids back to school, but don’t like the extra things that come with back to school. This year I have a college Sophomore who will not be home often, but you do know that Mom always gets a call “I need…” or “Can you do this…” and then I also have a 2nd grader and a 10th grader who all want things done their way.
Being busy is just a slight exaggeration, oh I did tell you I work outside the house, full time… right? Yeah, well the one thing that always helps me stay sane is my weekly meal plan and I decided to share a few tips on how I create my meal plan with you in hopes you can manage your busy day to day a little easier, too. No one should slave on the stove for hours or even run to a drive through just because you are running out of time. Check out my 5 tips and see if they help you a little manage your time come back to school this year.
Make a list of things you and the family likes to eat, like chicken, fish, beef meals
Check your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to see what items are on hand
Pick 6 meals for the week and make your shopping list
Head to Walmart to pick up everything from your Tyson Chicken Nuggets to your sandwich rolls
Sit back, relax and don’t worry about dinner tomorrow. It’s all on your list and you will be ready to go when it gets here.
See, making a meal plan can be super easy, relaxing and a big time saver. It takes me about 1 hr. every Sunday to make a plan for everything that everyone agrees with for meals for the week, to take inventory and then making my shopping list. Since Walmart has everything I need, shopping is easy, I go either first thing in the morning or later in the evening to avoid crowds, pick up everything and I’m done for the week. Snacks, lunches, drinks and dinners included.
Making a Meal plan has been a big lifesaver for my family, not only do we save money by not eating out, we also save money by buying what’s on sale, with coupons and deals. Our meal plans are always simple, but we also don’t have that 5 o’clock mad rush “What’s for dinner…?” “No.. I don’t’ want that”… and then we end up at a fast food restaurant, we have it all on the plan and everyone knows exactly what’s for dinner that night.
If I get home late from the office, since everyone knows what’s for dinner, someone can always start making dinner and I never have to worry about it. Love it, been doing this for over 4 years now and it’s the best time saver I’ve found. You should check it out, it will be a good thing for you and your family, especially come back to school craziness.
I love picking items that are easy and most of the time we end up with at least one meal that uses Tyson® Chicken Nuggets; did you know they also give back to your school? The Tyson Project A+™ program is one of the simplest ways to support your school. Just clip and collect Tyson Project A+™ labels from Tyson® participating packages. For every label submitted, Tyson will give the school cash and the school can use the money for whatever it needs. How awesome is that? Super simple and while you create meals for your family, you can also create extra funds for your school.
Love when I can combine convenience, great taste with something that also gives back to our schools. Our kids will thank you both ways, be sure to check it out, next time you are at Walmart. Also check out the Tyson Project A+™ to learn more.
Do you meal plan at your house? Would love to hear all about it and if it has saved you time and money, too. Have you clipped A+™ labels from Tyson® for your school yet?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tyson. The opinions and text are all mine.