We are all about Budgeting and saving money in the Crazy Mom’s house. So it is just natural that I want my kids to learn as much about money while they are little. So maybe, just maybe they will avoid some of the big mistakes people make and be a little bit wiser with their money… We found a game called Wi$e Money – The Town of Financial Literacy. This game is a Team based game for 2-12 players, ages 13 and up. This Wi$e Money Game was just introduced at the New York Toy Fair in February and was a big hit. I can totally see why. This game will teach your Tween and Teen about:
- Banking and Investing
- Budgeting and Payday
- Financial Responsibilities
- Financing and Credit
- Identity Protection
- And different life situations
Among the questions that Wi$e Money asks players are:
- What is a grace period?
- What has the biggest impact on your credit score?
- Describe the purpose of a budget
- True or False questions like: Getting a Loan for College is a wise investment? True or False” The answer is True. Lifetime earnings average $1,000,000 more for those with a bachelor’s degree.
There are a total of 6 categories with a lot of questions in each to help your Tween, Teen or even yourself to understand the ins and outs about YOUR Money. This game isn’t just for Tweens and Teens, just think you get an e-mail from your bank asking you to update your account information. Too many people wrongly click on the attached link and proceed to update their records- becoming one of 15 million victims of identity theft each year. But those who play Wi$eMoney, the team- based financial literacy game, learn that banks don’t ask for your account information via e-mail. Now I already knew that information and maybe you did, too.. BUT does your Teen know that?? My Teen has a savings account and he has no clue about “Bad and Good”. If he would get that kind of e-mail he maybe wouldn’t even think twice.. So talk to your kids educate them, maybe we can give them something along their way that is more valuable than anything “Their MONEY and how they handle it”. I know people say it isn’t always about Money, but let’s be honest, if you don’t have money you can’t survive and living on a minimum wage job that has to support a wife and 3 kids will also not make your family be the best they can be.. So this is our chance to take this economy in our hands and start turning it around. Make this work to our favor and our kids will benefit from this. The more kids that will get smart with their money the better this country is off down the road when our kids are in the work force and have to make decision between getting a Tattoo or making a mortgage payment.
I’m not by any way trying to preach on how you need to live your life, but working in the mortgage and real estate business for the past 10 years (my full time job..) I see a lot of situations that could have been avoided if people would use their money Wise… I’m trying to help and spread the word about Wise Money, this game was a wonderful eye opener for my Tween and my Teen.
My Tween currently had a crash course in school about anything money wise, they even took a field trip to a place called Biz Town and in preparation of the trip they had a lot to learn about Money. I didn’t realize HOW much they learned until I pulled this game out one Saturday and sat down with Tween and Teen. My Tween had about 60% of the answers correct, even the hard ones like “Which are needs and what is wants? Or Explaining the credit card APR.” I was amazed, because my Teen did not have that crash course when he was a Tween and he only knew about 20% of the answers compared to the Tween…
This is an amazing game that everyone should play or get !! Some of the questions may be too hard for even your Teen, but I know the more you go over it the faster they learn it and will remember the rues of how to be Wise with your Money. My Tween even took this game to school during their Money Crash Course and it took me almost 3 weeks to get the game back, his teacher loved it. She incorporated the cards into the curriculum, a game like this can’t be played in a class setting, but the cards can be read like a Trivia if you set your Class up into teams and maybe challenge the other team to see who is “Smarter” with their money. This is a lot of fun and so educational and very important information that any Tween or Teen should know.
How did we like it? As you can read from some of my comments already, we LOVE this game, this is a wonderful tool use it. Make a family game night out of it once a month and your kids will learn through play how to be Wise with their money when they grow up. I also think this should be incorporated in any school curriculum, so kids understand how to handle their budget and that there are consequences if you don’t pay your mortgage, credit card payment or even your utilities. We highly recommend this game to anyone; you can check out Wi$e Money Website they have a lot of great information for parents, fundraising or even sponsorship and so much more, while you are there, you can order your own copy of the Wi$e Money Game for $34.95
Fun learning game for ages 13 to adult. Two to twelve players in two to four teams follow the footprints in and around a fictitious Town of Financial Literacy. The entire family learns about banking, investing, budgeting, payday, financial responsibility, financing, credit, and identity protection.
Be challenged and learn as you face real-world situations and make financial decisions.
What you get:
- Game board and rules
- Spinner, timer, and dice
- Eight question card sets
You can take a Quiz Here and see how Money Wise you are, it’s really fun… There is also a Teacher Version of this game HERE and the teacher’s version has been played in schools in over 24 states with tremendous success. Information can be found on the website: www.wisemoneygame.com .
I was provided with the Wi$e Money Game for my honest review, no other compensation was nor will be provided and the opinions in this review are 100% my own
Crystal says
What an intelligent looking game! Kids nowadays really could use this game to make sure they are prepared!!
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William says
I’m not sure about the college loan question; I don’t really use anything I learned while working on my master’s and PhD, but most of my money goes to paying off the debt I ran up working on them :p
I like the idea, though. I certainly was never taught how to handle money!
Pamela Halligan says
I’ve been looking for a good way to teach kids about money and budgeting. I will definitely have to give this a try.