I just watched the evening news when a report came on about Brown Bagged lunch will higher the risk of food poisoning. The report instantly had my attention, this is I guess common sense, BUT even I probly wouldn’t have given it second thoughts.
I grew up in Germany and pretty much anything was un refrigerated and left ton the counter most of the day without any problems. Now I’m in central Florida and things a quit different. I have a hard time even after 15 years adjusting to “EVERYTHING” needs to be in the fridge.
I guess it’s hard to toss old habits. I try so hard to keep my kids safe and something simple as their lunchbox could get them terrible sick.
The report went on to say that researchers in Texas studied over 700 preschool lunches, some had ice packs and some didn’t. Either way, it made no difference on the lunch and most were at an alarming rate for salmonella. That is just scary.
Did you ever think that your Bologna sandwich that you packed with so much love and an icepack would make your little one very sick? The researchers didn’t really go into the reasoning other then the ice packs will not keep the food at the temperature that it needs to be at. Even if you have a salad or food on a bowl, the center will not get the cold temperature that it needs by just an ice pack alone.
Researchers also mention that lunchboxes that were placed inside a refrigerator did not have a lower sick at all; they aren’t sure why but think that the insulated bags won’t let the “Cold” air in to keep it cool. Which makes me think. A lot of times I prepare the lunches the night before and place them inside the fridge, guess I could have harmed my little one?
I know it’s a scary world we are living in and pretty much every day some kind of news breaks, but this is something simple that we can prevent our little ones from getting sick, even if it may be a small chance.
A few suggested items that would work well in little ones Lunchboxes would be:
Fresh Veggies and Fruit are always the best option
anything you can freeze, freeze and pack frozen into your little ones lunchbox
pack mayo, ketchup or any other condiments in the small baggies ( single serve) separate from your sandwich and let your little one assemble their own sandwich
send water and juice rather then milk products
think about letting your little one buy Milk at school
A few suggestions or what not to pack in your lunchbox:
Sandwich meats, any kind. Will grow salmonella and e-colie
Salad dressings
dairy products
any drinks that specifically state “Refrigerated”
These are just a few things to keep your little one healthy this school season and if you have any tips or ideas to share, we would love to hear them. Our little ones are very important to us and if we can keep one little one from getting sick this season, then I know my post was worth the time.
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post, nor was I asked to write this post. I thought it would be informative for my readers. I got the idea and info for this post from a local news prodcast.
fancygrlnancy says
I had not thought about that much, but now after reading about it its kind of scary.
fancygrlnancy recently posted..Ribbies Clippies Winner
CrazyMom says
I know…. I hadn’t thought about it either….. really scary
Faride says
I also watched the report on the news, and it freaked me out. I have such a difficult time with school lunches, it drives me nuts. I just don’t know what to pack for their lunch anymore. I bought them both ice packs and it seemed to work a bit with keeping their lunch cool but it’s still scary. But I still don’t know what else they can take for lunch besides sandwiches. I guess I’ll have to check out your ideas.
CrazyMom says
Faride.. I know it’s scarry.. Wehat I’ve been sending the toddler with is a water bottle that I fill each hnight and freeze, so it will also be frozen like an ice pack but will melt enough in time for lunch; I send her with PB&J sandwiches that I froze and then Apple sauce anything that doesn’t really need to be cold.. fresh fruit like Bananas and frozen drink packs…. seemed to work so far… but it’s so scary..
Lisa G says
Really don’t understand what’s going on… My Mom left frozen meat on the counter to thaw… brown bagged our lunches and wrapped our sandwiches in waxed paper the night before and even left it on the counter and we all survived with NO Food Poisoning whatsoever… we were lucky?
Beth R says
Thank you for posting this!! I would never have even thought about anything like this. I do agree with Lisa G though. How did we all end up alive and well 🙂
Sometimes I think we over worry, but I think a little common sense goes a long way
Jeffrey says
Thanks for the information. My oldest likes to take lunchmeat but the youngest is a PB & J kid. This is quite scary. I pack the lunch with the meat with an ice pack, thinking I was doing good. I guess the one thing I do right is pack it in the morning before school. I also pack a push up yogurt, but they are frozen beforehand.
Tiffany C ( says
I have the same issue! I rarely pack the sliced deli meats for my little one because I’m worried about it sitting in her lunch bag for 2+ hours before she even eats it! I don’t know how parents do it – how they just put cream cheese, slices of meat, and things like mayo, yogurt, and dressings that need to be refrigerated for lunch into their little’s bagged lunch! I thought I was the only paranoid one? Anyway, I’ve resorted to having her buy her lunch in school now. If I do make her lunch, I bring it 1/2 hour (1hr at the most) before she eats it. I’m not even sure if that’s ok? But I keep things in a thermos in the winter, which I think is safer since it keeps things warm. I’ve tried soups and cooked noodles/stir fry and it is still warm after a few hours in a Thermos. I really wish there was a surefire container that’s safe for her and also food-safe out there!