We had a long week this week, between soccer practices, games and the after school activities, we still had to handle all the testing that was going on in both my Teen’s classrooms. I decided to spoil the boys and my princess a bit.
As I asked the kids what I could make for them, they all said “Something German Mom”. They know if I cook, which I love to do, but hardly ever find the time, I cook a German dinner. I wanted something different and special. So the other day Hubby and the boys went off to yet another soccer game. I knew I had about 2+ hours without the boys in the home and after the Princess finished her soccer game, so I ran to Walmart and picked up all the ingredients for German Red Wine cupcakes. My boys never seen me bake from scratch; if they did it’s been years. I just don’t have much time to come up with a fancy recipe and bake for hours. Trust me, I wish I could.
While I strolled through Walmart, trying to figure out what special German treat I could make for my crew, I stumbled across the Cool Whip Frosting. It looked interesting and I needed frosting anyways; so I grabbed one Vanilla and one Chocolate, they also had Cream Cheese, but I didn’t think that would go with my German Red Wine Cupcakes.
German Red Wine Cake or Cupcakes has always been a favorite of mine when I grew up at home in Germany; I haven’t had them since I left back in the 90’s and I thought it would be time to re-create them and make a special treat for my boys as well. I knew they would love them. We love to cook with wine, and baking is especially fancy if you add the wine. Growing up in a wine country, this was a perfect choice for me to spoil my munchkins.
I picked up all the ingredients quickly and headed home to make the cupcakes. I couldn’t wait to get started; my only worry, will the kids like it? What about the frosting, will they like that? What about …..; So many what’s, let’s just get started and we will see what they thought of my Red Wine Cupcakes with Cool Whip Chocolate and Vanilla Frosting.
Once I had my cupcakes all ready to go and in the oven; the smell in the house was out of this world. OMG, the red wine smell went all through the house and it was to die for. No worries, the alcohol contend in the red wine will be all cooked out and these cupcakes will be 100% kid safe!!
After the cupcakes where done and cooled I just couldn’t wait to check out the new Cool Whip Frosting. I’ve always had problems with frosting cupcakes or any kind of cake with the store bought frosting, wonder if this will be any different with the Cool Whip Frosting?
I’m honestly not a big fan of the shelf frosting; the texture is always sticky and much too sweet for my taste and I just could never get it to spread without breaking my cake or cupcakes. Since the Cool Whip Frosting is a fresh product and available in your freezer section, right next to the other Cool Whip, I decided to give it a try and see if this is something we would enjoy much more on our cupcakes, maybe I would bake more as well?
Boy, one spoon into the chocolate Cool Whip Frosting and I think I found my match. The texture was airy and fluffy and so light. Not too sweet, but a pleasant sweetness and talking about chocolate; YUMMY! Easy to grab with a spoon or spatula and ready to frost those cupcakes; I was excited as a little boy or girl at Christmas time.
It took me no time at all and I had all my cupcakes frosted and looking pretty darn good I may add. I didn’t need any fancy bags or tips or spoons to create some mighty fine looking cupcakes. I’m very impressed with myself, but I know I can’t take all the credit. Cool Whip Frosting made it possible for me, a German hausfrau that couldn’t figure out how to frost a cake without crumbs all over the frosting, to create amazing looking cupcakes, topped beautifully in no time at all.
I think, I’m in love with the Cool Whip Frosting and will never ever look at anything else; baking is in my future that’s for sure. Oh, just a little FYI, I loved the Vanilla Cool Whip Frosting. My personal favorite, but chocolate was a close second. I also loved how the Cool Whip Frosting kept it’s shape, even after 15 minutes under my hot kitchen light, AMAZING!
So, all my cupcakes are done and frosted and now as soon as the kids get home from soccer, I can tell them how much I love them and how proud I’m of each and every one, spoil them with my German Red Wine cupcakes.
As you can see, we didn’t need a special occasion like a Birthday or a Holiday to enjoy a wonderful homemade treat. My kids felt very special that I made them another German treat and my oldest Teen even said “Mom, I just love these cupcakes, they make me happy”. My hubby also enjoyed them and his words where “Baby, they are to die for, best thing EVER!!”. I think it’s safe to say that everyone enjoyed the German Red Wine cupcakes with Cool Whip Frosting since I barely got the last one, and I had 24!!!
So, next time you are at Walmart looking for a special treat for your family, don’t forget to check out the Cool Whip Frosting instead of the other stuff, you know what I’m talking about. This is the 21st century, let’s leave the 90’s behind and create delicious cupcakes and cakes with a twist and Cool Whip Frosting.
For more information about Cool Whip Frosting, be sure to check out Kraft Recipes, Cool Whip on Facebook or connect with Cool Whip on Pinterest. I’ve also created a Google Plus Story, so come over and check that out as well.
Twitter Party Alert!
Join the #CoolWhipFrosting Twitter Party on 10/25 @ 1pm EST for fun chat, recipes and prizes! http://cbi.as/tpo30 #CBias
We love Coupons.. so why not grab this coupon below and pick up your very own #CoolWhipFrosting; be sure to let me know what delicious treats you created for your family.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Kraft Cool Whip. #CoolWhipFrosting #CBias #SocialFabric; all pictures and ideas are 100% my own.
Grace Hodgin says
I love it when you cook and share your recipes. Now I’m going to have to figure out how to move closer so I can be the test taster. 🙂
Grace Hodgin recently posted..Trooper and the Legend of the Golden Key DVD G!veaway
Melanie Roberts says
Ohh Thanks Grace.. so glad you enjoy my “German” cooking …… one day I have to invite you to come and try it in person.
Barb W. says
I am so making this recipe!! Thanks for sharing! I, too, love when your share your recipes. Really need to try this frosting, too and think I will for the Halloween cupcakes we are making.
Barb W. recently posted..Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF #ToT4UNICEF
Pam says
Since Bryan is allergic to chocolate, I could substitute white chocolate chips and omit the cocoa. Or just make them with the chocolate and horde them for myself. 🙂
Pam recently posted..Trooper and The Legend of the Golden Key DVD (and a giveaway!)
Melanie Roberts says
Pam.. yes white chocolate should be totally fine… and a little secret, I totally forgot to add the cocoa and they came out super sweet enough.. but hording them sounds like another good plan, too :0)
Betty Baez says
These sound soo good! I wonder if using white whine would work too?!?!
Melanie Roberts says
Mhh it’s worth a try, I’ve never used white wine in baking, but why not. Walmart actually sells little bottles that have 1/2 or 3/4 cup for $1.25, perfect for baking and a lot of different flavors…. let me know how it turned out if you try it :0)
Kelly Blackwell says
At first when I read what you were baking, I was sure it would be far too complicated for me. But after reading your recipe, I’m in! They look great! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe.
Kelly Blackwell recently posted..Thrifty Tips for October 18, 2012
Melanie Roberts says
Kelly, they are very simple.. I was surprised myself… so give them a whirl and see how you like them.
Theresa says
Hi Melanie, Amazing what a difference in carbs! I can’t wait to try the new cool whip frosting. Sorry it’s been awhile since I popped in. Hope all is well! ( I got to meet both Brandy & Brandi from #CBias when I was at the conference)
Theresa recently posted..Blog Conference “Blogalicious 12″ Recap
Melanie Roberts says
Hey Ms. Theresa; all is going well… and so excited that you where able to go to the conference…. how are your cupcakes going??
Kathy Noble Murphy says
That mile high pile of cool whip frosting looks awesome! I want a cupcake : )
Kathy Noble Murphy recently posted..Easy Temperature Scanner for Families: Review/Giveaway
Melanie Roberts says
and it is yummy…. and I love that it stays a mile high….:0)
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I have never heard of this frosting sounds delicious. I will have to try this soon.
Denise Taylor-Dennis recently posted..Sweepstakes Rosetta Stone Autumn Escape
Sarah says
I’m a huge fan of the vanilla frosting! I still have the chocolate one in my freezer just waiting for this weekend when my daughter and I make cupcakes for her classroom.
Sarah recently posted..Beer and Beef Stew
Terri says
Hmmm. They sound delicious and take me back to my own fond memories of Deutsche pastries! Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂 I can’t wait to try it out myself! My family loves the taste of Cool Whip so I know they will enjoy the creamy Cool Whip Frosting, too!
Terri recently posted..Tech Holiday Treats ~ @Verizon Samsung Galaxy SIII with Ice Cream Sandwich
Sandy VanHoey says
It’s the first time I’ve heard of a cupcake made with red wine…wow! They look so good. Thanks for sharing! No wonder they asked for German recipes…lol
Kristy says
Yummy! I love the vanilla too!
Kristy recently posted..Guac & Chicken Pinwheels with Tyson Grilled & Ready
Anna-Leigh says
Wine, chocolate chips, frosting…what could be better! These sound delicious! I’m pinning for later 😉
Anna-Leigh recently posted..My Hectic Morning Made Easy with #DeliciousPairings from Starbucks and the Bakery at Walmart #Cbias
Bobby Tarumi says
These look great.. So little is known about German deserts. Entertainment shows in the US just show German people eating bratwurst -.- I will show this to friends!
Melanie Roberts says
That is sooo true Bobby; most people always hear about schnitzel and Bratwurst.. we have soo many other yummy dishes to offer… make sure to look around I have an entire section 🙂