I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. All opinions are 100% our own and not influenced by anyone or anything.
I’m so glad we all have unlimited text messaging, because the other day I got a text message from my husband while I was at the office, telling me we are out of Toothpaste and he would like me to pick up some, preferably Colgate.
Not a problem, I always pass a Target on my way home from the office anyway, so I planned a stop after work. A few hours later I got another text message, a little annoyed, I was really busy at the office and ignored the message for a bit. Glad I checked it before I left the office, because my Teen had texted me to tell me we are out of Mouthwash and if I could pick up some so he can keep his healthy smile.
Really… my family cannot tell me that we need toothpaste or mouthwash in the morning before they leave the house, they have to send me a Text. This is the new generation… not sure how I like it.
Is your family like that, too? Well, after my super crazy day at the office I decided to take some Mommy time and strolled through my local Target and I grabbed a cup of Hot Cocoa at the Starbucks that is located inside Target. Love that, so convenient. Does your Target have a Starbucks, too?
Ahhh… while I sipped on my Hot Cocoa and looked at all the fun and new things my Target had to offer, I quickly remembered that I kind of was there on a mission, a mission to buy some toothpaste and mouthwash to keep my families teeth at a #TotalSmile. After all, how many teenagers do you know that ask for mouthwash? Boys to be exact… ?
Before I left the office, I quickly scanned the Colgate website to see what new products they may have and to my surprise they had the Colgate Total Mouthwash and offered a coupon. You know I love me a great deal with a sale and a coupon. I printed my coupons and while I was at Target looking for the Mouthwash that my Teen oh so needed, I found a sweet deal.
How cool is that, buy 2 Colgate Mouthwash, Toothpaste or toothbrush and get one free. SWEET! With my coupons that would make $4.49 for 3 bottles of Total Colgate Mouthwash. I quickly grabbed three bottles and a few tubes of toothpaste to keep my guys happy with a #TotalSmile.
Once I got home, my Teen patiently waited for me at the door, he wanted to try the Colgate Total Mouthwash. I have never seen a child as excited over a bottle of mouthwash as my Teen. Really… he could have waited till after dinner. Well, I did what every good Mom would do and let him pick one of the three bottles that I picked up at Target and that made his day.
We read the bottle first to see what the new Colgate Total mouthwash was all about and quickly learned that if you use the mouthwash 2 times a day you have 24/7 protection against germs. Each use will keep your mouth happy, healthy and fresh for 12 hours. How cool is that? I know we all know that we used mouthwash before and within 30 minutes it disappeared. According to my Teen, 6 hours later his mouth still feels happy, healthy and AHHHH so fresh……..
I can honestly say the new Colgate Total mouthwash is Teen tested and mom’s approved and the entire family enjoyed the taste and the freshness in their mouth. As a mom, I’m loving it. Who wouldn’t want their kids to have healthy teeth and keep them healthy in a simple way? Let them pick a flavor of their choice; there are 3 to choose from and wash all the germs and worries away. Everyone can have healthy and fresh teeth 24/7. I dare you to try it… I know you will love it and your kids will adore you. Oh, your dentist would be proud of you as well.
Are you ready to make the switch to Colgate Total Care yet? Be sure to visit Colgate on Facebook or Tweet about your Happy and Healthy Teeth on Twitter. You can also follow my Target Mommy Time trip and see what cool products I find through my Google Plus Story. Would love to hear how your kids like the new Colgate Total Care.
Pam says
Well, the teen is certainly showing off some nice pearly whites. 🙂 We love colgate products. I just purchased one of their toothbrushes last week.
Barb W. says
Colgate makes a regular appearance in our home, too. That’s such a great smile your son has!! Love that he cares about taking care of those great teeth, too.
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Carlee says
Great post and wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing the pricing at Target as well.
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Christie says
Love that your teen son poses for the camera! Can’t wait to try Colgate Total Care!
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Heather Lopez says
Oral health is so important and I had neglected my own was I was a teen. I had braces, so it made it quite difficult. Right now I am working with another brand to help educate Hispanics on the importance of taking care of your dental health. Did you know that poor dental health can lead to the development of Heart Disease, Diabetes and even a Stroke when you get older?
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Jennifer H says
Great job! Teaching children the value of oral hygiene is important.
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Tough Cookie Mommy says
I love Colgate products. It is the only toothpaste that we use in our home and I like that they have a full line of oral care and health products.
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Daisy says
We have Colgate in our bathrooms right now! They have so many great products, but those mouth washes are new to me. I want to try them!
Jennifer Wagner says
Looks like maybe there is somebody your teen is trying to look and smell good for! I know what you mean about waiting until the last minute. Both my son and husband will wait until they are all out of socks or something like that to tell me they need me to do a laundry. How about a heads up when they have two pair left.
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Melanie Roberts says
Hahah Jennifer… mhhhh as a mom I think I was ignoring that aspect.. lol… 🙂
Kristy says
I always have such a hard time finding mouthwash I like! This one looks very promising!
Melanie a/k/a Crazy Mom says
Well let me tell you… we LOVE this one, use it in the AM and even after I drink coffee and eat McDonalds it’s fresh and my teeth feel clean till dinner time… LOVE it… yup, I think we found “IT” for us… AWESOME… give it a try
Shelly says
My family just loves the Colgate products too. It great to find a mouthwash everyone can agree on.
Shelly recently posted..Maintaining Our Healthy Smiles
Sandy VanHoey says
I sure wish I had a Target near me to grab some of the many deals I see people getting. We have used many colgate products, don’t believe the mouth wash however but have their toopaste