Oh my it is almost St. Patrick’s Day and I almost run out of time to share this little gem with you. It has been a whirlwind of crazy around here the last few weeks and time just zipping by. Can you believe we are almost mid March? Time changes ahead this weekend and our Spring Break is just a week away, WOW… Where has time gone? Didn’t we just wish everyone a Happy New Year?
Well, I’m glad I was able to spend some time in the kitchen the other day while waiting for my dinner to finish and I made these delicious Shamrock Shake Cupcakes. You have to try them, they are AMAZING and don’t they look beautiful?
The kids raved about them for days. So, without further ado, here is the recipe and how to make these fun shake cupcakes yourself.
What ya think? Pretty cool, huh? I just love to spoil my family and another great recipe just wandered into my recipe collection. The fun thing, if you change up the colors you could dish these up anytime of the year. Perfect for parties, celebrations and anytime you need a take along.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? We love traditions and different cultures and this one to me was fairly new. Growing up in Germany we never even heard of St. Patrick’s Day, but he, I’ll gladly take any excuse to celebrate and have some fun, right?
Oh, talking about celebration and parties, have you checked out my recent recipe ideas? You will be surprised to find a bunch of simple, semi-homemade ideas that will be a hit with everyone in your home. Dinner should be fun and never a chore, so let me help you and plan accordingly and follow our Pinterest Board to never miss any of the delicious meals and recipes so you too can spoil your family.
Below are a few of my favorite St. Patrick’s Day recipes so you can create an entire meal and have a wonderful family dinner time. You know me, I love to have dinner with the Family every night so these recipes are all tested by Mom’s like you and me and will be perfect to dish up some green
Now you know how easy it can be to spoil your family and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, too. Would love to hear what your favorite way of celebrating the Irish is in March? Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.
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