Today I would like to talk to you about two of my favorite things, spring and cleaning. Together they are a powerful combination. Oh and a little housekeeping, this post is sponsored by Bounty the Quicker Picker Upper. All opinions and ideas are as always my own. Spring cleaning in style.
I’m a cleaning queen as my husband likes to call me. Growing up in Germany cleaning was almost an Olympic discipline. We cleaned every Saturday and spring cleaning had nothing on what I do today. Back in the day our Saturday’s consisted of cleaning every single window in the house (inside and out), cleaning the entire hallway top to bottom along with the regular stuff cleaning the kitchen, the bathroom and the kids rooms, along with little odd’s and end’s. It was an entire day affair, that repeated itself every Saturday. During the week all the other things that aren’t as important like vacuuming and laundry was handled as well. Did you know in Germany we had to iron our socks and underwear along with towels? Yeah it was crazy.
Looking back, I truly appreciate all these things and I try to keep my house as clean as I can but some thing will not get done every Saturday like we did in Germany. I do the weekly chores like cleaning the kitchen, the bathroom and the family room but the deep down cleaning like windows and baseboards only gets done a few times a year. For spring cleaning this year, I decided to make a chart that I can use every year to help me remember the little things that need to get done but are often forgotten. Feel free to print it for yourself, too.
I also love to use my own cleaning solution. It’s very simple but cleans my entire house from the kitchen to the bathrooms very nicely and it’s easy to fill a bottle and use it for clean up during the week, too. Get ready for messy spring projects and activities by having Bounty at your side to quickly pick up the mess. Using my cleaning solution and Bounty paper towels you will be able to tackle any task to get your house all clean this spring. After you are done, toss the mess and rinse out the bottle and you are done till next spring. How cool is that?
A few of my favorite cleaning tips using my Bounty paper towel are below:
Use a little bit of oil and a bounty paper towel, rub over any stainless steel surface like your Fridge, the Stove, Trash Can, it will clean and protect your stainless steel.
Use my Vinegar & Dawn Dish Soap solution and clean your windows, wipe them down with Bounty and they are sparkling clean in no time.
Cleaning a glass top stove is the best with the Vinegar & Dawn Dish Soap solution, let it soak for a minute and use a Bounty to wipe it down, CLEAN!!
The possibilities using my cleaning solution and Bounty are endless. I use it every chance I get from picking up spills to cleaning counters. My house smells clean, looks clean and I can sit back and relax once the job is done.
How will you tackle spring cleaning this year? Would love to hear some of your tips and ideas and how do you include Bounty in your cleaning routine?
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