Veterans Day is just around the corner and I’m super excited to announce an amazing new program. Cheerios and The USO has partnered in a postcard campaign that spreads “Cheer” directly to these honorable military families and supports USO programs. What an easy way to say THANKS to those who keep all of us safe and sound and put their life on the line each and every day!!
Everyone loves Cheerios so why not spread some cheer after you bought your box. During the months of November, 2011, specially-marked boxes of Cheerios cereal will feature Cheer postcards on the front of the box. You can simply cut out the postcard from the Cheerios Box, write a message of thanks on the back, add a stamp and mail the pre-addressed card to the USO. The USO will deliver the Cheerios send Cheer campaign card to military families across the country.
(My Brother-in-Law)
This is such an amazing program that everyone can join in. This will also be a great tool to teach your little one to appreciate and honor those who put their life on the line each and every day; a wonderful way to say THANKS!
I myself grew up in a town in Germany where a lot of US military was stationed, we had a lot of friends in the US Army and I know all to well how home sick those men and women were; I meet young families, young kids and even young adults. Far away from their home country, maybe even the first time away from Mom and Dad and no family around to give them a HUG or spend a Holiday with. A small card of “THANKS” or “We Care” would mean the world to our Military Families that are stationed overseas, or even close to home. Anyone loves a “Thank you Note”. I know it always makes me feel special when I receive a “Thanks” for a job well done.
I dare you to go out, to your local Wal-Mart, look for the Cheerios display, buy a box or maybe even two, three or four and spread the Cheer. I would love for you to take a picture of you and the Cheerios Box or the Post card and send it to me on Facebook or the blog and I will announce your good deed to the entire world!! Blogging is a powerful media outlet and I know between my readers and myself we sure can get a lot of Cheer going.. let us know, tell me about your cards, or even if you received a card.. I WANT to hear about it!!
What a great opportunity to help spread the Cheer and it’s such a simple deed for us that will mean the world to someone else!
(my sister and her family, currently stationed in Kaiserslautern –Germany *Love you guys and miss you*)
Besides this amazing opportunity, do you help out our Military Families? My son’s school always has a Stocking stuffer drive during the holiday Season and we all stuff a stocking with toiletries and goodies that our Soldiers had asked for; doesn’t have to be much and trust me, they get happy over small things like a new toothbrush, Deodorant or gummy bears.
I also take all my “old” expired coupons and donate them to Military families overseas, they can use our expired coupons for up to 6 month after they expire and it is a big help for our families stationed overseas. There are so many ways to help, would love to hear if you have any tips or ideas on how we can get more involved in helping our military families.
#sendCheer with Cheerios Twitter Party to “send cheer” and discuss ways to help support military families!
WHEN: Thursday, November 10th from 9 pm – 10 pm EST
WHERE: On Twitter via TweetChat or our custom Tweet Grid: using the #sendCheer hashtag
PRIZES: 5 (Five) Walmart gift cards total to be given away: 2 $25 GCs, 2 $50 GC, and 1 $100 GC
RSVP and more info: HERE
“This post has been compensated as part of a sponsored charitable opportunity for Collective Bias. All opinions are 100% my own.”
Jen Pilcher says
Hello, my name is Jen Pilcher and I am a Navy spouse and co-founder of Military1Click. A free website with information for military families. We are also working with Cheerios to host a fun photo contest for the most creative “sending Cheer” photo. Cheerios will be giving away 5 $50 gift cards. I can send you a flyer with all the information, if you would be kind enough to help us get the word out to everyone. Thanks – Jen
FB – military1click
Love your site!!