As my Little one was still in diapers I loved,loved loved my BumGeniuse Cloth diapers; we saved sooo much money by using them. They were just a great product and so easy to use. Nothing like your mothers cloth diapers at all. They looked just like regular diapers and are used that way, too. The only difference they are cloth and you toss them in the wash….. hang them to dry or put them in the dryer, simple… hardly any soap to use and let the laundry machine do the rest… They always came out looking great and fresh and ready for the next day 🙂 Any way Cotton Babies has a sale if you are in need of diapers or want to try them, this is a good time.
- bumGenius 3.0 One-Size Cloth Diapers (incl. inserts, most colors avail.)
- bumGenius 3.0 All-In-Ones (Extra-Small, Small, Medium & Large)
- bumGenius Elemental Cloth Diapers (Blossom, Butternut, Clementine, Grasshopper, Moonbeam, Ribbit, Twilight, White, Zinnia)
- Flip: Cover Only (Blossom, Butternut, Grasshopper, Moonbeam, Ribbit, Zinnia, Twilight)
- Econobum One-Size Diaper Covers
For the uninitiated:
These will go FAST. Be sure to get what you want and check out right away. Your order is guaranteed after you have checked out and paid with a credit card. Please do not use PayPal during a Cotton Babies seconds sale. Limit of 24 total diapers per person. When we ask you to pick a gender, that means that inventory is too limited to put up specific colors. We will pick an appropriate color (or white) for you based on what is available. Seconds aren’t returnable. Seconds aren’t covered by a warranty. They are marked.
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