This post was brought to you by J Women’s Network and Genworth. All opinions are my own.
Retirement…. Boy that sounds like a great word right now; I’m in my mid 30’s retirement sure is far out and sometimes I wish I would be ready to retire. All the crazy schedules and work tasks totally make my day go by so fast that I can’t even blink and the next day is here. I wish I could slow down and retire. Well… That’s a dream of many of us I’m sure. Who wouldn’t want to retire in their 30’s maybe 40’s, I for my part would be happy to retire comfortably in my 50’s.
However, there is a lot of planning and strategies that will have to go along with that plan. You can’t just wake up one day in your mid 30’s and say I will retire in 5 years. I know they do that in movies, but unless you are very wealthy and maybe a rock star, that probably won’t happen to you. So, planning is the way to go.
The sooner you plan and start saving for your very own retirement, the easier it will be for you to retire at a certain age that you think you can retire, or even if you have to wait till retirement age, at least you will be prepared. A lot of seniors nowadays aren’t even ready for retirement age and are struggling every single day to make ends meets.
The sooner you look into retirement savings plans, 401K’s or what else your company has to offer and even put a small amount into that account each paycheck, will help you come retirement age. I have my 401K for over 10 years now, granted we can’t put a lot of money into the account now, but if I keep going the way my account estimates my retirement, I will be ok to retire at normal retirement age and have no change of income at that time. Plus once the kids move out and I don’t have all those extra school expenses, I could always up my plan to save even more for retirement.
It is important to start saving as soon as you can and DON’T take the money out of the account to pay off a car loan or to buy a new car. Save it and forget it and you will be happy ever after once retirement finally comes around.
So, spend a few minutes today and check out this great article I found over at Genworth “Guaranteed Income for Life” and see how you can prepare for your very own retirement
Are you ready? Is your family ready? Would love to hear what steps you are taking to prepare for retirement and maybe what your goal is to retire? I’m shooting for around 55 to be my retirement age, a gal can dream… You do know that dreams do come true.
Giveaways 4 Mom says
Great post. I am only 22 though so retirement is a long time off for me.
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Barb W. says
Very wise advice! I appreciate all the information! I know I need to start focusing on saving a bit more. It’s easy to forget about how important it is to plan for our futures.
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Heather M says
Thankfully we have a ways to go but we are nowhere near prepared for retirement and it is scary!
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martha says
sound advice. it’s never too early to think about retirement. we’ve been putting a little aside every year since we met!!
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Pam says
I am ready for retirement today but not sure if we are prepared moneywise. We have a 401K in place and some stock options, but I certainly don’t want to be working until I am 90!
Lolli says
We are so NOT prepared. Neither my husband nor I have ever had a job with retirement benefits and the last several years have been brutal. So…we’ve got a lot of work to do!
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Daisy says
We save a lot for retirement. I keep telling my hubby that we put too much into retirement, but he says that I’ll thank him later. 😉
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
My husband and I were just talking about putting more money into our IRAs. It’s time to start saving!
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Myrah - Coupon Mamacita says
Great advice. Never too early to think about this.
Jennifer says
Definitely great advice. We are in our mid-thirties, too, and retirement seems like an unrealistic dream! Our goal is to beef up our savings this year and stop buying new toys!!!
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Grace Hodgin says
I think it is best to plan instead of worrying about it when there is no time to do it. Great advice.
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Virginia says
Having a plan in place is key!
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Cynthia L says
Great information. Retirement is just around the corner for us and I am not sure if we are ready for it or not. I often tell my daughter, who is 22, to begin to think and plan for retirement now.
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Janeane Davis says
It is important to prepare for retirement because we will all reach retirement age if we are blessed. It is almost never too late to start planning to have a successful retirement.
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Janel C says
I totally agree with “Save it and forget it” I think a lot of people see their money sitting over there and feel justified to use it for something. It shouldn’t ever be touched!
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Shell Feis says
My husband’s been planning for retirement since he was 17. I thought he was crazy at the time but now I LOVE that about him!
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Beeb says
My work towards retirement is continuing to build my business, save (when possible), continue doing renovations that add value to my house (The security I have in my property will be a big weight off when it’s time to retire), and anything possible that will help. Like you, I’d love to retire in my 30s but that ain’t gonna happen for me, LOL!
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Heather says
We started later in the game than we should have.
Pushing towards saving for the kids education came first but we FINALLY have started working on our retirement.
Seems like there are so many things grabbing your money but what we have decided is the first 10% goes to God {we are Christian} then next 10% goes into our future and we use the rest of it to live on.
It can be TOUGH but we don’t want to be on the freedom 95 plan. ;0)
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Tracie says
I am a little scared to say that I’m not doing much of anything to plan for retirement (I KNOW!). Scary.
My husband and I have had some conversations about trying to save, and now we really need to concentrate on following through with that.
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Jennifer B says
I am so guilty of not thinking about retirement but it is something that we all need to start planning for.
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Ashley says
It’s so very important to plan for retirement!!! We’re not “set” for retirement yet obviously but I’m glad we have a head start.
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Malia says
My husband is in the Carpenters Union and they offer good retirement savings via a 401k and pension plans. I really need to learn more about these though…I know how important it is to save for retirement.
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Shannah says
We are constantly monitoring our progress towards retirement. We want to make sure we are taken care of so we don’t become a burden to our adult children. Planning at a young age is so very important.
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Amy Desrosiers says
Both my husband and I are 29, but we feel it is never too early to save for retirement. We have IRA’s and a 401k plan so far.
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kathy balman says
Great post. We are so behind where we should be right now I am 32 and hubby is 37. We have a 401k finally started. Hubby would love to retire when he is 55 but unless money starts rolling in or win the lotto I’m not sure that will happen.
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JulieK says
I know we should be doing more but we feel we can’t afford to! This is a reminder to get going!!
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Carlee C says
My husband and I have been planning for retirement since our early 20’s. Now with 3 kids, we are planning for college. 🙂
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Liz says
I am actively working on creating a nest egg, yes. I know I have a lot more to go though! We have to think now about our futures, you’re so right.
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Steve Pots says
I like to check to see how much I still need to save to reach my goal for retirement. 2o years ago retirement seamed so far off into the future and now I have only twenty years to go before I retire. If the next twenty goes as fast as the last 20, I’m going to have to knuckle down.
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Almost Supermom says
Does playing the lottery count as a retirement plan? :/ We are so far behind on our retirement investments 🙁
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Erica says
I opened a roth IRA when i graduated college. My mom works for an investment firm, so I have that pretty much covered.
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Martha says
It’s never too early!! Great resource here thank you for sharing
Tough Cookie Mommy says
I would say that I do have some kind of a retirement plan in place. However, I’m not sure if it is enough and I will definitely be checking out other options.
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Amy Qur says
I guess it is little too early for me to think about retirement ,but u never know,my hubby has just started a new job after getting a degree.
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Stefani says
I am in my late thirties and always thinking of the future now. The word retirement kind of scares me!
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Rita says
I know what you mean about the days flying by. I am in my 30s as well and have been planning for a while for my retirement but it is not enough.
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