Photo Credit: Money Saving Mom
This is a very important topic to address because you do not want your coupons to take over your house. I am 100% guilty of leaving coupons on the counter, on the table and on my desk. It drives my Husband absolutely bonkers! You need to figure out what type of coupon clipper that you are going to be. Are you going to be a clip as needed person or clip everything and file it right then person?
I can tell you that I have organized and clipped my coupons just about every way possible but you have to decide what is best for you.
Accordion Organizer: I started out with an accordion organizer and I organized them by category. This works well for someone with a low volume of coupons. I had to stop this method once I increased the number of papers I bought each week.
Binder with Baseball Card Holders (High Time Investment): There are a few ways to use a coupon binder. Some people will clip every coupon that they get and file them in the holders. I used to clip every single coupon and I never ever missed a deal BUT the time investment is huge!!
Binder with Baseball Card Holders (Low Time Investment): This is what I have found that works the best for me. I clip coupons that I know I will use and I clip right before I shop and put those into my binder. This saves a ton of time but you sacrifice that random deal you might find while shopping. Once you get used to the sale cycles, you will just know what coupon is going to make a good deal so you will clip it and store it.
Photo Credit: I Heart CVS
File Folders: You might be wondering how to store your coupons if you don’t clip them all. I keep my inserts in file folders that are dated so I can search for a coupon in a database and go directly to that week and clip the coupon. Low time investment with a little bit of work when you are prepping for your shopping trip.
There are other ways to organize yourself because we all develop our own system that works for us. Once you get started you will figure out what you like and don’t like and will evolve from there.
Mallery blogs about coupons and living a frugal lifestyle at Mallery’s Deals. You can also find her embracing her flaws at Horrible Housewife ~THANKS Mallery for being my Coupon Guest Blogger while we are in Germany.
P.s. we also have a BUNCH of other Coupon Classes and info, be sure to check them all out HERE
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