To avoid coupon burnout I recommend picking 1 or 2 stores and becoming a coupon master at those stores. The easiest way to burnout is to overwhelm yourself trying to get every single deal out there. I am completely aware that I am talking to deaf ears when I say that because once you have been bitten by the coupon bug you want it all and won’t sleep for fear of missing the next deal. I myself go through these cycles. Sometimes you just have to take a break and live off of your stockpile!
Do your research on the stores that you are picking to start with. I would suggest that you pick a drug store and a grocery store because the deals are very different at those stores. For example, my favorite stores by my house are Kroger and Rite Aid.
What to research:
- Print out your store’s coupon policy to carry with you to the store. Know this coupon policy in your sleep so you don’t break any rules!
- Sign up for the store’s loyalty card. I swear that every store out there has a card and that is the only way to get their sale prices.
Ask if your store doubles coupons. This is automatically in the store’s coupon policy because it can change from store to store. For example, the Kroger by my house will double coupons $1 or less but the Kroger by my old house would only double coupons .50 or less. That is VERY IMPORTANT!
I buy 5 papers a weekend but I also shop for other family members so the goods are not just for my house and I respect the coupon etiquette of not clearing the shelves. I have 3 Kroger stores within 10 minutes of my house so it is very possible for me to visit multiple locations. You don’t have to buy the papers each weekend though. You can ask your friends and family members to save their inserts for you. You want to look at your household and determine how many papers you can budget because they are not free.
Figure out how you are going to organize your coupons. If you get multiple inserts each week and don’t have a system in place you are going to get frustrated at the mess. There are many different ways to keep yourself organized so don’t fret.
Don’t forget … Baby Steps!!
Mallery blogs about coupons and living a frugal lifestyle at Mallery’s Deals. You can also find her embracing her flaws at Horrible Housewife ~THANKS Mallery for being my Coupon Guest Blogger while we are in Germany.
P.s. we also have a BUNCH of other Coupon Classes and info, be sure to check them all out HERE
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