Coupons are all the rage right now with certain TV shows making more people aware of the shopping possibilities. In this economy, I can see why. Coupons should be treated just like dollar bills because that is exactly what they are. If you find the right sale and pair it up with the right coupon you could very well walk away with products dirt cheap or free.
Back when I first started using coupons the shelves were clear and you didn’t have to check your papers to ensure that your coupon inserts had not been stolen. A lot has changed since then so it is better that you know what to expect ahead of time.
What goes into using coupons?
- Planning, cutting, organizing and research.
- Shopping, knowledge, rebates, stockpile.
- Time, space and even more time.
- Repeat.
Using coupons is very rewarding once you get into a groove because you are stretching your household’s budget and in some cases one member of your household has lost their job. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t pull a $0 shopping trip like they show you on TV because that is not a realistic depiction of coupon usage. If you are trimming money from your normal grocery budget then you are moving in the right direction!
Mallery blogs about coupons and living a frugal lifestyle at Mallery’s Deals. You can also find her embracing her flaws at Horrible Housewife ~THANKS Mallery for being my Coupon Guest Blogger while we are in Germany.
P.s. we also have a BUNCH of other Coupon Classes and info, be sure to check them all out HERE
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