I’m such a cheap scag.. you guys know that by now.. BUT nowadays every penny needs to be accounted and turned around twice..so my kids love cinnabon but I’m just too cheap to spend $3 or even more on a can that only feeds one of my kids, so I usually need 2 maybe 3 cans and that is just too expensive… So I make my own, they are soo simple…
You Need for the Dough:
5 Cups of Flour 1 pack dry yeast 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla dash of salt 2 eggs 1/2 cup Milk – warm 1/2 cup Butter
You need for the filling:
2 Packs of vanilla Pudding Mix Milk for the mix, per instructions Raisins, cranberries, cinnamon, fresh blueberries or Nuts, anything you like to fill the Rolls with.HOW TO:
1. Mix the Flour and the yeast, add the eggs, butter, sugar, salt, vanilla extract and the warm milk.
2. Mix with dough hooks to a dough, mix till the dough comes off the side of the bowl and forms into a ball, if it is too wet add a little extra flour, if it is too dry add a little extra milk
3. Cover the bowl with a towel and sit aside for 30-40 in a warm room, so the dough can rest and double in size…
4. while the dough is resting mix the pudding according to the instructions, I like to use the cooked variety but I think the instant should work, too
5. If you are using fresh fruit or Nuts for your rolls, wash the fruit and/or cut the nuts in small pieces.
6. Once the dough is doubled in size, add a little bit of flour to your hands and work station and roll the dough out
7. Add the pudding filling to the dough and add your raisins, nuts or whatever you like to add
8. Roll up the dough into a roll…
9. Use a sharp knife and cut the roll into slices.
10. Put on a cookie sheet and let rest for another 30 min…
11. Put in a pre-heated oven 350F for 15 min ( keep an eye on them the first time, every oven varies)
12. Done.. Yummy… you can eat them like that or take some confection sugar and a little bit of lemon and mix and drizzle as icing over the buns….
This is how we make Cinnabon Rolls in Germany… was a recipe out of my German cookbook…
I hope you enjoyed it:-)
SOO yummy.. I know it’s a bit of work.. BUT soo worth it 🙂
KyFrugalista says
Oh my, those look divine! I found you on Relax and Surf Sunday and I’m glad I did. I can’t wait to try this recipe. I’m now following you on Facebook and GFC. Would love a follow back. Have a great day. Kentucky Frugalista
kalena says
These look so yummy!! question about the sugar, what is it a 1/4 of, cup, tbsp, tsp etc…
mausekind says
OOPs 1/4 CUP suggar.. sorry will make the change… I always have to translate from gramm ( the original recipe is in german and in grams).. sorry I missed that one
Autum says
YUM!!! Thank you for sharing, we’ll have to try this, we’ve never had cinnabon cause it’s just so expensive!
mausekind says
Autum.. I hope you will like them.. takes some time.. but soo good 🙂
Sarah Scott says
Yum!! Sounds and looks delicious! I think I might try it one day.
Thanks for sharing your recipe!